Around 850,000 people are currently living with type-2 diabetes but are yet to be diagnosed.
Type 2 Diabetes – is a condition that affects the way your body can use sugar (glucose) for energy.
When we eat, our pancreas produces insulin so that we can use the glucose in our food for energy. When someone has Type 2 diabetes it means that they have become insulin resistant and their bodies can’t use this glucose properly and they end up with high amounts of sugar in their blood and this can cause all kinds of problems.
Type 2 Diabetes can be treated with medication but its best to try and avoid developing the condition in the first place by making some healthy lifestyle changes.
If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the last 12 months and are registered with a Leeds GP, this free programme is for you.
The Leeds Programme will improve your knowledge about your condition and help to give you the skills and motivation to take control and self-manage it.
The programme runs for 3 weeks in various venues across the city throughout the year. Each session lasts 2 ½ hours.
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